
Tanz Suite Nr.2 by German Zupforchestra

Today, I'd like to show you the nice youtube video. Mr. FK kindly told me this. "Hessische Zupforchester" in Homberg, Germany played "Tanz Suite Nr.2 (op.21)" composed by Takashi Kubota on June 8th, 2008. I really have a good impression. Surprizingly, the conductor plays percussions at the same time while conducting. That's amazing. So, please watch it.

Tanz Suite Nr.2 (op.21) [HZO on June 8, 2008]

I visited the webpage of "Hessische Zupforchester". There you find a link "information on Kubota toremolo, here". In the downloaded pdf file, you find the "scores for toremolo based on Kubota method including deccel and accel". This might mean that the HZO members play their mandolins using Kubota method. I am not actually sure, but it seems natural that they choose "Tanz Zwei" in their concert. I am also impressed by their skills of playing. To be honest, I did not believe that the mandolin orchestra are still present in Germany and Italy. They have regular concerts frequently. Does that mean that HZO is the professional orchestra? Therefore I am very surprized.


Kubota Conducts KUBOTA on Sunday.

Takashi Kubota will conduct his works on the coming Sunday. He organizes his own mandolin orchestra called "Kubota Philomandolinen Orkester". The program is shown below.
Kubota Philomandolinen Orkester 15th Regular Concert
[Place] Kioi-Hall (Yotsuya, Tokyo)
[Date] Feb.24 (Sunday)
[Time] 14:30
"Symphony Nr.2 for Mandolin Orchestra" (Op. 19)
"Phantasy for Piano and Mandolin Orchestra" (Op. 18)
Conductor: Takashi Kubota
Piano: Yukino Natsukawa
"Symphony Nr.2" was first played by So
phia Mandolino (Sophia Univ.) on 1978 and "Phantasy" was by the same orchestra on the next year (1979). These are composed a couple of years before "Tanz Suite Nr.2" and "Phantasy Nr.1".


Hello from Saijyo !

Hello!! My pen-name is "Anpang". This is the very first message posted from Saijyo, Higashi-Hiroshima City, Japan. I am really welcome for talking together on a musical instrument, "madolin"? It would be my pleasure to receive any comments from people who are interested in mandolin music! I am also quite curious about the activities on mandoln orchestra all over the world.

I would like to introduce here at first the most active mandolin orchestra in Japan conducted by Mr. Takashi Kubota. He is one of the most famous composers especially for madolin music. He really makes a big effort to educate young people to encourage their skills for playing mandolin. He organizes his own mandolin orchestra called "Kubota Philomandolinen Orchester". They hold a regular concert conducted by himself every year at the end of February. You will have chances to listen to their activities in the concert from CDs.

In Japan, we find many professional mandolin players, like Mr. Tadashi Aoyama, Mr. Takaaki Shibarta, Mrs. Chiaki Masukawa, etc.. On the other hand, nobody can find professional mandolin orchestra. Fortunately, several professional mandolin players and composers train youg students in junior high school as well as in high school. Eventually they will grow up as professional mandolinists and hopefully play their mandolin very well.

By the way, I am also playing "mandolon cello" among the members of "higashi-hiroshima mandolin ensemble" abbreviated as "HME" sometimes. We meet every saturday night and plays together. This is fun! This local place is calles "Saijyo", in Higashi-Hiroshima city, which is located around 40km east far from Hiroshima city (Japan). If you have a chance to visit here, please let me know.